2019 Painting Tattoo

Every year after our AGM we run our Painting Tattoo, a chance to show off projects that members have been working on. This years entries had a good number across all of our categories and some very close results.

Army: This category is given a 12″x12″ space to show of large numbers of troops together. It had a shared victory between Lance Holden’s Mythic Battles Gods and Heroes, and Greg Huffa’s tank troop.

1st place Army
1st place Army

Skirmish: This category is for a few troops or large diorama. The entries are given 6″x6″ space to display in. The winner was Steve Wold’s civil war diorama and second place was Mike Allens WWII infantry section.

1st place Skirmish
2nd place Skirmish

Individual: The final category was Individual/Monster, where a single model (or tiny diorama) was shown. This ended up with a three way tie for first place, two from the one person. Adrian Cameron took top spot twice for his Kingdom Death entries and the final spot was a diorama from Richard.

1st place Individual
1st place Individual
Also 1st place Individual

The full entries can be view here.

Thanks to Table Top Warfare and Military Hobbies for sponsorship of the prize pool. I’m sure we’ll see the winners new models next year.


Wednesday July 10th is the club AGM. We won’t be open to visitors gaming on the night. We do look forward to guests again the next Wednesday and at our next Big Game Sunday on July 21st.

LittleWars Adelaide 2019

Group North will be putting on lots of display and participation tables at Adelaide’s LittleWars event on Sunday July 7th. We’ll be running The Battle of Naseby, some Buccaneer battles, post-apocalyptic car racing, air battle of Dunkirk and some massed fantasy combat.

Hope to see you there.