Wargamers for Wildlife

Supporting Wildlife Recovery on Kangaroo Island.

Most people are aware of the devastating fires across south eastern Australia earlier this year. These fires not only caused fatalities and property loss but destroyed thousands of square kilometres of national parks and untouched wilderness areas. The losses in wildlife were catastrophic including many highly endangered species. Local volunteers have been working to locate, recover and heal the injured and to take steps to protect the tiny numbers of surviving animals. In South Australia the fires destroyed 99% of the Flinders Chase national park, and thousands of hectares of private bushland. Tens of thousands of Koalas perished as did millions of other smaller creatures. I recently visited the area and for as far as you could see was black stumps and bare ground where mature trees had grown. No life. Not even a fly or an ant in the worst areas.

So what can you do to help?

So our club, Group North, is calling on wargamers to help us save this tiny marsupial from extinction. All money raised will go the Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife Inc. group to help in their critical work. We are being supported by a range of sponsors to provide incentives for your help. In late December everyone who has donated will have their name added for every $5 they donate and will be drawn at the club’s end of year function.

Our generous sponsors have provided:

  • Cigar Box Battle – a battle mat of your choice and shipping
  • Fighting Hedgehog – a hard cover rulebook of Clash of Spears plus shipping in US and Europe
  • Barrage Miniatures – 2 x €50 vouchers
  • Paint and Glue Miniatures – £60 voucher
  • Empires at War – £40 voucher

How do I pay? If you are local payment can be in person at the club or via PayPal, for others use our dedicated PayPal account. Send payments to gnfund@outlook.com and provide your name (if not obvious in the payment) and country.
