Australia Day Gaming

Well, the night before actually. But we hope that everyone got a few rounds of whatever your favourite game is in between some mouthfuls of sausage today.

First up we had a play of Republic to Empire on a lovely Cigar Box Battles Mat.

Some Guildball was being played. Still a popular game at the club.

There were some more Vanguard games getting played for Kings of War. This will be wrapping up soon and players will be moving onto their bigger armies in preparation for Crows Feast.

Fields of Glory is another game you’ll see every week.

The giant Battletech miniatures continue to get a weekly game at the club.

Flames of War continues to be a regular, this was a first run for an army.

Finally some of the Tantive IV missions from X-Wing were played. There was a tense moment at the end of the first mission as the Imperial player, desperate to cripple the front of the ship lined up three of his ships hoping that would damage it as it moved through. Lucky for the rebel crew their shields took the hits for a win.

Club Night – Wednesday 18th January

Thanks to everyone who came out to play tonight. We had a mix of games happening. There was this lovely Team Yankee table.

Some DBA being practiced for CanCon and some Fields of Glory games.

Some DBA being practiced for CanCon and some Fields of Glory games.

A Kings of War game from our Vanguard league.

And because we are happy with all games being played, some Star Wars Destiny.

Between the holidays gaming

It was a quiet night at Group North last night, hopefully because everyone was at home preparing their new miniatures for battle. In the mean time was managed to get a few group played games going.

Some Tanks action was happening,

A few players were in practicing for the X-Wing regionals

and finally we had a large player game of DBA running.